Your TLC means everything

Grackle Green relies on volunteers to sustain and maintain the park. You could be part of the mowing brigade, give the park some TLC during a community work day, host an educational event, serve on the subcommittee, or volunteer your time and talent to help us raise maintenance funds. Contact us if you’re interested in learning more!

This spring, we’ll have a couple community construction mornings after the playscape is in. Then, the mowing volunteers for the brigade will start up (details below).

Cherrywood neighbors volunteering at Patterson Park (Nov 2018).
Their sweat equity hours supported Grackle Green’s Neighborhood Partner Program match requirements for construction costs.

Mowing-brigade instructions (tweaked from the perfected protocol of our neighbor park, Cherrywood Green)

How many mowing brigade volunteers does the park need? One for each month, May through October. So, six slots total.

What’s needed? To mow a minimum of two times during volunteered month. Each volunteer decides when those two times are. No need to edge or weed (unless you’re inspired).

How long does it take to mow? 30 to 50 minutes, depending on length of the grass and the skip in your step.

On what level do I set my mower? The highest setting. Lower settings may scalp and damage the turf grasses. The higher level also provides clearance to mow over the mulch around the trees.

Who’s lawnmower do I use? Your own.

Will I be acknowledged? Yes, at the end of the mowing season, we thank the mowing brigade volunteers in the Flea. If you do not want to be acknowledged, let mowing organizer know.

What if something happens and I can’t mow during my month? No problem. Just contact mowing organizer and he/she will go to Plan B. No questions, no hassle.

Where do I mow? Inside the park fence.

What if it doesn’t need mowing two times during my month? The goal is to keep the Green looking consistently nice. Even though you may not need two haircuts a month, trimming around the ears and the nape of the neck keep you looking sharp (yes, I switched to a haircut analogy). [h/t Brent for great answer]

How to sign up? Email Grackle Green organizers and they’ll connect you with the mowing-brigade lead.     gracklegreenatx at gmail dot com